About Ze'ev

After working for over a decade as a software developer, I felt a need to get out of the office. In Israel it has always been a struggle to find an appropriate attire aka clothes for myself. My dad bred me into pre 1991 Levi's, and made in the USA selvedge in particular, along Red Wings as standards of craftsmanship. Looking through images of people who built the North American states, and Israeli pioneers, the style these folk seemed to carry through life became more and more admirable to me. Eventually, I have devised a system of sourcing clothes for myself. Starting in a complete bubble, I grew my hobby into a small business, a virtual boutique if you will. Being passionate about finding authentic pieces of Americana and Israeliana. I combine the two and make it work. In fact it's the essence of my personal style. It reflects nostalgia for the olden days, when a work jacket was made in a way that it would be inherited by the offspring of the owner. About 10 years ago I wrote a blog about denim in Hebrew. My Instagram.